Third International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology
Natalia Romanova,
Saratov State University,


Preparation of experts in the field of forensic psychology is one of perspective directions of educational politics. Meanwhile training of the experts in Russia is limited. The quantity of professionals in the field of forensic psychology obviously mismatches the public demand. It is connected with consequences of social, economic and psychological transformations in our country which cause intensification of social trouble (growth and expansion of various forms deviant behavior, including transgression and crimes).

Now forensic psychologist training includes study of basic psychological disciplines and special courses of forensic psychology.

Learning of these disciplines should be combined with deep theoretical knowledge and skills of practical psychological work.

We suggest the model of the forensic psychology expert training, combining development of professional and creative qualities of a person and an orientation on the decision of socially-significant public problems (such as crime of juvenile delinquent preventive, work with problem families, consultation on member of law machinery: district militia officers, investigators etc.).

In our opinion practical development of psychological activity should be included in system of training of the forensic psychologist on the basis of the concrete law-enforcement organizations. Such organization of educational activity allows to solve a complex of problems: 1. Search by the student of the place connected with the future occupation; 2. perfect theoretical approaches and practical skills, received during auditorium studies; 3. Familiarizing of students with the decision of actual social problems (work with the minor offenders registered in militia; work with groups of problem teenagers at schools, colleges; correction and psycho-pedagogical support of children and teenagers with deviant behavior; socially-psychological work with parents, trustees, relatives of this group of minors).

The offered model will allow to realize a principle of unity of the theory, experiment and practice. The professional psychological knowledge received during the academic studies will be approved in a practice of psychodiagnosis, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection activity on the basis of the corresponding organizations (for example work with problem families, volunteer work with juvenile delinquents).

Such approach answers the practice-focused principles of modern training and promotes increase of a level of independent work of students.

The offered model is directed on disclosing and development of creative potential of а student. It is necessary because the work with representatives of various groups of a adolescent-nursery audience demands creation of innovative technologies and methods of practical work of the psychologist. Certainly, such activity will be carried out under supervision of teachers and experts. It will allow experts to answer questions in work with a different contingent of children and teenagers.

Besides the similar organization of educational activity promotes development of such professional qualities of the person of the psychologist, as understanding and empathy.

Realization of the suggested model in modern conditions provides innovative character and high quality of preparation of experts in the field of forensic psychology.

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